is an explorative design practice questioning frameworks for place making. curious for new roots and narratives; weaving imagination and reality into moments of encounters – beyond the built environment.
The use of large-scale shell structures made from biodegradable materials in Iceland's landscape offers an approach to sustainability and environmental integration, raising questions about the future of architectural practice.
Integrated into the landscape “the shell structure” acts as a sound amplifier, communication device and shelter.
The project invites us to rethink our relationship with the built environment in its rawest conditions. Creating a dialogue where architecture reflects and resonates with nature, human embodiment while integrating both low-tech wisdom and high-tech innovation.
Location: Reykjavík IS | Program: Exhibiton | Year: 2024 | Client: Design March | Status: on going | Task: Installation / Animation | Collaboration: Studio Silvan Borer, Studio Pluto (Jökull Jonnson, Tanja Levy) | People: David Menzi, Jökull Jonnson, Silvan Borer, Tanja Levy | Photographs: Owen Fiene